CH Seawind's Fergmar Edubard MH, UD
Hips/Elbows/Heart - OFA * Eyes - CERF * Optigen Normal/Non-Carrier * EIC - Carrier * BB
Multi Best Of Breed Winner, Grand CH Pointed, OTCH Pointed, Multi UDX legs
Qualified for the Master National in 2011
Bear is co-owned and trained by Johanne Ferguson, Fergmar Labradors, North Andover, Massachusetts Fergmar@comcast.net
Sire Dickendall Davaron Amigo (B)
NL CH Trendmakers Tycoon
Swedish Import
Swed CH Trendmakers Mugwump
Trendmakers Traffic Jam
Dickendall Davaron Amuse
CH Dickendall Arnold
Waterbound River Witch
Dam CH Seawinds Siren's Song (B) |
CH Dickendall Arnold |
CH Dickendall Ruffy SH |
Dickendall A-Ha |
CH Sumo's A-Hoy Seawind Calypso
CH Dickendall A-Hoy
Hennwoods Ndiyo Asante Sana
